Taking Mom to Richmond Park
This has sort of become a tradition of sorts around our place. Come to visit and we’re very likely going to Richmond Park. I think we both just really love it there but need some sort of excuse to make the trip out. Especially now as it’s a couple of bus rides away.
We had much more success finding the deer than we did at our last family outing. The winter weather had killed off most of the shoulder-height ferns so there wasn’t anywhere for the deer to hide. Well, apart from being somewhere in the vastness that is Richmond Park. Fortunately we didn’t have to wait too long to find them, we just needed to be willing to get our shoes a bit muddy. It has definitely rained this year!
I’ve been enough times now that I can act as a bit of a mini tour-guide, provided I can keep to the general middle area of the park. We did a wide loop around the ponds and through as many of the treed in areas as we could. I enjoy the wide open spaces as much as the next prairie raised lad, but the bitter winds had us seeking as much shelter as possible in order to prolong our hike.
All in all a very successful deer spotting sojourn. I think mom was quite happy with the wildlife, which is saying something for someone who grew up in Vancouver with the Rocky Mountains on her doorstep. There are a few more images in the gallery, but they’re mostly family images. If you’re after more deer photos, I was at the park with gusto earlier in the year to get my fill of deer shots.
Tags: deer, London, richmond park, visitors, winter