Light Painting in Canary Wharf
We went back to Canary Wharf again this weekend after our slightly failed attempt a couple of weeks ago. This time we jumped through the proper hoops and got a permit to be there, so the security guards (who were all very friendly) weren’t able to send us packing.
Ian wasn’t able to make it this week due to a football related knee injury, so I was joined by none other than Lee Crawley from Crawley (the gent who created my new toaster icon). He’s done some cool light painting in the past, but I believe this was his first orb outing.
We even tried to combine our 2 light painting styles as seen in the above image (the light ribbon to the left), and even more so in this shot.
Still kicking myself for not creating a proper orb in this shot, but I could only manage a 1 minute exposure so had to do all of that in the time available.
This is the first time I’m posting watermarked images, which I know can be a bit annoying. They are however at almost twice the resolution I used to post images at, so there’s good news with the bad.
The rest are in the gallery here!
ps: thanks again to Ian for sorting out the permit for us, and to Lee for being my trigger man and making sure my compositions were ok while I spun the orbs.
Tags: canary wharf, light orbs, Light Painting, London
April 26th, 2010 at 10:47
That last shot is an absolute gem. Definitely a two-man job by the look of it
April 26th, 2010 at 11:13
A solo effort – I was over the other side of the plaze filming this (I think!) – which reminds me I need to post that video!
another awesome set of Orbs Kevin… keep ’em coming!
Mr Crawley of Crawley
April 26th, 2010 at 11:16
Cheers Chris! That last one was actually just me getting everything done in under a minute. That’s why the orb is incomplete (or that’s my excuse anyways!)
edit – Just saw Lee’s comment! Cheers mate, it was a great night and I’m looking forward to the next one (as well as the video!)